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2007 National Campus Photos - GA 086 2009 USTA National Campus Championship, College Club Tennis, 05

The first stop on the road to becoming a recognized sport club at your school is your recreational sports department. There, you will need to contact the recreational sports director, who is in charge of all recreational endeavors outside of varsity athletics, including sport clubs. Depending on the size of your school, you may be referred to someone else in the department who deals specifically with sport clubs. Either way, this is a very important person for you to become acquainted with. He or she will have information tailored to your school regarding the process of becoming a recognized sport club, and you will deal with this person on a weekly, if not daily, basis throughout the year. Share with them your vision of creating a club tennis team on campus, ask them what you need to do to make that happen, and see how you can best work together to accomplish this goal. Another person in the recreational sports department whom you may want to talk to is the intramural director, who is in charge of all intramural sports activities on your campus, from flag football to the weekend tennis tournament. He or she should have a list of students who have recently participated in an intramural tennis event, which you can use as your starting list for interested people on your campus. This person can also put you in touch with others who may be able to help you form your sport club tennis team, like the manager of the tennis facility on campus.

The manager of the tennis facility on your campus is yet another person that you will want to become well acquainted with. The importance of this relationship cannot be stressed enough if you are in the northern part of the country and have to contend with freezing weather by playing inside during the winter. The facility manager will help you schedule court time for your club, both for regular practice sessions and for matches. It is crucial that you meet with him or her to avoid conflicts with the varsity tennis team and tournaments or other events that they may host. Your recreational sports director should be able to put you in touch with the tennis facility manager.

You should be able to find contact information for the above people on your school’s recreational sports department website. It is important to take steps to get to know these people now. Make an appointment to meet with them personally because you will be dealing with them throughout the year.

"Club tennis has opened up a whole new world of opportunities that I would never have imagined possible coming into college. I have been able to travel all over the country playing the sport that I love. Being a member of the club tennis team was definitely the definitive experience of my college years, providing me with lifelong friends and memories that will be highly cherished."
- Brian Tracy, Houston, Texas

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